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16 July 2020
23:00 (GMT + 0)
Contemporary Art Practice: Jamie Steedman, Ideal Life Radio Show
A recurring radio broadcast available for 24 hours

Hijacking the zone of popular culture transmissions, the Ideal Life Radio Show materialises as a recurring radio broadcast promising an ideal escape from the chaos of contemporary society. Amplifying the really mundane contents of conventional radio (such as competitions, callers-in, and weather reports), while utilising nostalgic house and dance tracks, the show aspires to construct new methods of collective euphoria in a now socially-isolated, publicly-void world. However, with continual nods to the benefits of nostalgia, mixed with fanciful speculations on tomorrow, it's establishing as a legitimate means of progression today is deemed very questionable.

School of Arts & Humanities
Contemporary Art Practice (MA), Public Sphere
Estimated Duration: 40 mins
Royal College of Art
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