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Glyph set of RCA2020 Logos
21 July 2020
16:00 (GMT + 0)
Critic/Curator Panel #1 - Ifeanyi Awachie
Panel discussion with Visual Communication students and staff

Ifeanyi Awachie is a writer and curator. She has a B.A. in English and creative writing from Yale University and an M.A. in Global Creative and Cultural Industries from SOAS University of London. Ifeanyi is Founder, Director and Chief Curator of AFRICA SALON UK, a global contemporary African arts festival, and Assistant Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Arts. She has curated a number of projects as a member of The Politics of Pleasure, a collective exploring the ways in which Black women engage in pleasure as a politics of refusal.

School of Communication
Visual Communication (MA)
Estimated Duration: 1 hour 30 min
The Zoom links and passwords are included at the bottom of the Eventbrite confirmation email.
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