This event will be a live, participatory art-making workshop and discussion. It will include Harry Baxter-an experienced art educator of disabled people and Professor Hannah Thompson an author and critical disabilities studies scholar and James Taylor Foster - a curator of contemporary architecture and design at ArkDes.
Both Hannah and David are visually impaired people with an active professional interest in reflecting on the lived experience of blindness, disability and art. By presenting ASMR exhibition Weird Sensation Feels Good, while using various art materials and processes, the presenters will proceed to develop ideas around the generative possibilities of sensory loss in this digital environment. It is hoped that the digital multi-sensory materiality and experience of this event together with the discussion will reveal more clearly where contemporary art practice and education has got to, and what’s still to be done. Furthermore, this event will explore the essential plurality of human sensory experience. Image, sound, touch, smell and taste are actually an inextricably entangled unity that is to a large extent resistant to physical disability and sensory loss in the digital environment.