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Front Cover of book 'The Writing of the Disast ... anchot, University of Nebraska Press, 1986.
25 July 2020
10:00 (GMT + 0)
On Fragment, Rupture and Encounter
In conversation: Artist Ioanna Sakellaraki + Jonathan Miles, Tutor in Critical & Historical Studies

The conversation between artist Ioanna Sakellaraki and Jonathan Miles, Tutor in Critical and Historical Studies, will traverse the relationship between literary language and philosophical thought, focusing on how philosophy attempts to pursue an ontological inquiry in its effort to bring to language an understanding of the meaning or nature of being. By looking at thinkers such as Heraclitus, Heidegger and Blanchot, in their attempts to recapture the possibility of a ‘’logos’’ not grounded in presence, the discussion will focus on the spectre of fragmentary writing and the exteriority, dispersion and otherness it affirms, bringing the question of literature back to its very essence as a passage between times; a caesura detachable from a possible past, present, or future whole.

Photography (MA)
Estimated Duration: 1 hour
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