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Design Products (MA)

Design For Manufacture


Tutors: Alex Williams, Jo Barnard & Tim Rundle

As manufacturing & distribution technologies rapidly evolve through increasingly open systems, the opportunities for large or small-scale interventions in global & hyper-local markets abound for both corporate organisations & small entrepreneurs.

Whether prototyping for batch production, developing service touchpoints, or developing/adapting manufacturing processes for scale, the DfM platform provokes designers to explore conceptions of manufacturing & apply these to their work. The projects are diverse, with typical themes embracing:

• new product technologies

• the development of more circular economies

• reducing carbon miles & responding to local capabilities

• the evolution of long tail markets in ever smaller or more distributed regions

• the changing role of RP in supply chains

• lower energy & less capital intensive means of production

• frugal innovation needs in developing economies

• servicised capabilities.

In each instance, students aim to develop pre-production prototypes providing proof-of-concept, many taking these ideas forward as start-ups.


Primacy of Precipice

Curated by Joanna Moresky

Searching for Presence

Curated by John Thackara

RCA2020: One Designer’s View (Part Two)

Curated by Ian Griffiths

Designing for Difficulty

Curated by Tim Brown

Humanity and Humour

Curated by Paul Priestman

Future Continuous

Curated by Dr Nick de Leon
HapticHumanised TechnologyOppoProduct Design
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