Fashion (MA)
For centuries people have convened to knit. It is one of the simplest ways to create three dimensional structures, to give life to any material, often with unexpected results. When people got together to knit they didn’t just make clothes, they created communities. They shared stories, skills and life experiences, all of which became embedded in their creations. Students graduating this year started their journey with a similarly blank canvas, an empty space, a white box. Each of them brought a lively mix of diverse life and cultural experiences, a web of intangible information that soon enough materialised into solid interpersonal networks of ideas and experiments.
Knit is about making new connections, creating bridges between virtual, unseen realities and the physical world, stitch by stitch. These students spent a great deal of time getting to know themselves and realising how their unique personal experiences connect to larger social and cultural narratives, and how these resonate with us as people. Knit was there for them to create this intricate web of connections, both as a medium and as a visual language to expand upon and refine. If you were given the chance to create anything, what would you make?