RS2: The Orang-orang and the Hutan
Anita Hajiha
Anita Hajiha was born in Tehran, Iran. She moved to London for post-graduate in 2019 , her project has been influenced by the field trip to Indonesia in January 2020 and her experience of growing in a country that faces water scarcity.
Prior to her studies at the RCA, she got her Bachelor Degree in Urban Engineering from the Art University of Tehran. She obtained engineering knowledge while working on master plans and urban designs. During her study at the RCA she participated in groups works with different objectives. In term one, Anita and her colleagues focused on Environmental conflicts caused by mono-cultural palm plantation in Kotawaringin Lama, a remote village in Indonesia. In the second term, they tried to design a communication tool for local people in Indonesia to enhance their interactions, while she and Panalee Skulchokchai mainly focused on designing a community radio since many of these villages do not have internet connections.
Statement: Generally, Anita is more interested in water crisis especially water supply issues, she also wrote an essay with the topic of water scarcity and the Global Green New Deal. She believes Environmental architecture help the environmental conflicts with design-based methods, So, she combined her interest, background knowledge and perspective of environmental architecture to design water infrastructure with technical approaches for Indonesia’s new capital and help to minimize development of ongoing conflicts, since the new capital is located on hectares of palm plantation and is going to confront the water supply issue.
Researchers predict that six million new residents will eventually move to the city. Population growth will put pressure on resources like land and water. Sepaku Dam, located in Sepaku District, will be the main water supply to the new capital city in East Kalimantan. According to the dam capacity and water consumption of the remaining palm oil plantation, Palm oil solely needs roughly 6.5% of this dam capacity. With the population projected to grow, the water demand will be much more than the capacity of the dam.
The project has three affiliate aspects for the water infrastructure of the new capital: The suitable location of the Sepaku dam; -main water supply of the city-, with the help of remote sensing analysis, the design of the water distribution network for the new population with consideration of main technical features and ultimately the use of sustainable drainage features to manage surface water.
Sepaku district site information
Site selection for Sepaku dam
The value is given to each criteria. Slope is strongly important than rainfall, settlement due to safety is moderately more important than palm oil. Eventually after processing the method and calculation, slope has the highest weight, followed by settlement, palm oil and rainfall, respectively. By overlapping the maps with their calculated weight, the most suitable site for the dam is chosen.
Gis and Saga gis softwareWater distribution system for the core of the city
The general parameters for an efficient water network are demands, topography and pressure to eventually flow the water in the pipes. The distribution system designed here, is a looping system, so the area has water available all the time, even if there are any disconnections in some of the clusters. This network is designed to respond to the maximum demand of the city, so that the water is available at all times of the day. Pipes are located on the main roads of the city and junctions are represented as consumers and they have given their elevation according to the topography of the site. Intersection between pipes and junctions create polygons, the area of these polygons then is measured and since the density of this area in 2024 is around 53, then population in each polygon can be determined. The average consumption of each person in Indonesia is approximately 140 liters per day, so the total demand for each polygon can be concluded. Although in reality, water demand can vary at different times of the day,Therefore, maximum demand per polygon are determined using peak factor.
As for the hydrological aspect, Polyethylene is chosen for pipes because it is a long- lasting material, reasonably priced and the decomposition is less, and 160 mm diameter is a proper size for navigating water with the average velocity. Since the Velocity in each pipe and pressure in each junction are the main parameter of assuring whether the network is efficient or not. Generally, velocity and pipe size have opposite relationships, if the pipe is too thick, the velocity will decrease and if it is too narrow, it will cause head loss, so needs more powerful pumping, Therefore, Average velocity varies between 0.3 to 2 meter/s.
Watergem softwaredesign process of suds
Sustainable drainage features in district 1 and 2
Sustainable drainage features in district 3 and 4
Sustainable drainage feature in all district together
All the houses will have rain-water harvesting tanks to capture water for non-consumption use to help with the quantity of water. Swale and bioretention as a vegetated channel help to collect and convey runoff; Plants used in the slide slope of the swale can be native and local plants help with biodiversity. Basin as social open space can store surface water and act as a flood barrier against people downstream and permeable paving can collect and store runoff. Community green open spaces can be recreational and a place for gathering, while using the overflow runoff that has been filtered in advance by biorientations or swales.