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Moving Image

Jinyan Feng

Jinyan Feng was born in Shaanxi, China. She completed her undergraduate degree at the Xi'an Academy of Fine art, where she received her Bachelor in Fine Art Painting.


2017, Xi'an Youth Experimental Image Projection Program, Xi'an OCAT, China

2017, 8 ways to ask questions,Cui Zhen Kuan gallery, Xi'an,China

2017, The 6th College Art Fair, Pazhou Nanfeng International Convention, and Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China

2019, RCA WIP SHOW, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2019, Collaborative screening of films,Rotterdam Film Festival, Netherlands

2019, Cai Ju, Nan Shan gallery, Xi'an,China

2109, Fragmentation,The Coningsby Gallery, London

2019,Collaborative screening of films,Brixton, London

2019,Oh, dear, Safehouse, London

2020,Made in mind, Nepal

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Moving Image

Jinyan Feng (b.1995, lives and works in China and the UK) works across a diverse range of media. In the present society as well as the surrounding environment by exploring female topics for the in-depth cognition of the self. She’s work investigates the liminal space between binaries such as the individual and the collective and contradictory feelings between introversion and extroversion. Also, she is influenced by women science fiction, she gradually creates a utopian society belongs to herself in the cyberspace.  


Alter ego
I be expected and demanded by a variety of exterior needs of society. Seeking for the perfect image from others’ perspectives, and become the self in other people’s eyes, I split myself into several versions of me, so as to cater to others’ expectations.

I am constantly reflecting and awakening. This work conveys the emotional process of self-contradiction. I discover my subconsciousness --- the depressed self. Because of the impact caused by the outside world, I cannot help noticing the existence of me with the opposite personality.




I discovered the part of my personality that I suppressed in order to cater to the expectations of others, so I always feel that two of me are contained in one body. I want to change. When I read Octavia Butler’s book Parable of the sower. Which is a post-apocalyptic novel about a young girl who invents her own religion where god changes. Therefore, I want to deconstruct myself and rebuild a new figure just like post-human in cyberspace which only belongs to me. This thought will drive me to self-transcendence and create a new utopia.




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