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Service Design (MA)

Jina Kim




Degree Details

School of Design

Service Design (MA)

Talk & Brew - Brew Tea for Warm Relationships — Talk & Brew is a specially designed tea service for people to elevate the quality of day by understanding their emotion and encouraging them to build good relationships.

Elevate Day and Mood with Talk Brew — The key values of Talk & Brew are to pause in busy life through digital reflection and a tea break enabling people to clarify and elevate their mood and communicate further.

Talk Brew Delivery — After signing up and setting up a profile, the real experience starts with 10 different types of tea delivery.

Biodegradable Package — Eco-friendly package made out of biodegradable material arrives bi-weekly. Its design protects the environment in everyday life and makes it convenient to take tea one by one.

Quick and Effective Reflection — Email sent with tea delivery links directly to reflection. Simple and quick reflection helps people to see how they were feeling recently through capturing mood, triggers and actions.

Matching Tea with Emotions

Matching Tea with Emotions — After reflection, current emotion has been brewed and personalised matching tea and suggestions are sent. Curated tea and inspiration capture people’s eyes and let them enjoy moments further.

Tea Bag with Rituals and Benefits — The thoughtfully designed tea bag and tag show its benefits, rituals and simple making process. Inspiring texts on the tea package work as small nudges to bring delight for people.

Sensual Brew Experience with Inspirations — It is time to refresh our bodies. Sip and feel the tea with five senses and enjoy the moment taking it to relaxation.

Unique Touchpoint of Podcast and Secret Message — Talk & Brew podcast talks about more stories of the tea within the matching timeline of steeping. Once the tea is ready, a tea bag which is used as a coaster will show a secret message printed by special ink appearing when the temperature changes.

Monthly Talk Brew Diary for Silver Lining

Monthly Talk Brew Diary for Silver Lining — Talk & Brew monthly diary is sent to remind people of the silver lining in their mind. Positivity among recent emotions is highlighted with its triggers and further actions to keep it up.

Tea Gift for Others — Tea gift is sent with one's gratitude through a written message on the back of the tea pack.

Talk & Brew is a specially designed tea service for people to elevate the quality of day by understanding their emotion and encouraging them to build good relationships using the moment of tea break.

We all know stress is about as inevitable as it gets, but the way we handle it is the key.
Stress is a physiological reaction called a flight-or-fight response, which is caused by a harmful event or threat to survival. One of the situations we can imagine is fighting against or running away from a lion attacking in our early days. In these alerting situations, a hormone called cortisol comes out which increases fear in the center of the brain intensely changing how we behave.

In modern society, stress comes from work, money, relationships, and social insecurities instead of life or death situations. It is easy to downsize modern stress because it does not threaten life immediately. However, the reaction of stress can easily occur communication issues and cause relationship difficulties which might cause a sense of loneliness.

Talk & Brew started in this narrative of stress and loneliness. Services' key values are making tea moments to pause in a busy life. People take a short time of a break to look back, reflect and clarify themselves. Reflection starts and enables us to see where our mind and body are. Quick and effective mood-elevating journey with matching tea and unique brewing experience follows to help people to relax in the present. This ritual of Talk & Brew allows people to capture their emotion and share with others to communicate healthier and build relationships further.

Subscribers get delivered a tea set and receive email to get personalised matched tea and suggestions as reminders of weekly reflection. Not only for individuals but also organisations where emotional labour is easily required can hire Talk & Brew. Its revenue is shared with mental health organisations and people in needs of mental health care for further impacts.

In Collaboration with:

Hyejin is a wonderful teammate during the whole journey of the project. We collaborated and stimulated together to develop Talk&Brew.

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