Experimental Design
Quincy Cardinale
Quincy is an American-Italian artist and designer based in Berlin. She has over 10 years experience in set design and photography and has worked on many different projects ranging from commercial videos to events to fine art. She has an acute eye for detail and considers herself an expert on all things visual. Her research on beauty manifests in her work, where she juxtaposes the beautiful with the contradictory. This often leaves the viewer with mixed feelings and something to ponder.
Quincy is interested in creating beautiful things, spaces and interactive experiences. Situated between art and design, her practice ranges from set design and interiors to large scale installation pieces and experiences. She loves creating thought-provoking pieces, leaving the viewer in wonder and awe. She often uses contrast between colors, patterns and concepts to make her point.
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IMG 9411
Utilizing the technique of Mark Making, the artist began a study of pattern generation by hand using repeated gestures to create a larger image. In her investigation she generated this dot pattern and became interested in its emergent properties. She began experimenting first with scale, drawing the dots on a larger paper, then with dimension, bringing the pattern into 3D space onto the chair and again with scale, bringing the piece onto the walls and floor, using photoshop and screen printing.