Shixiu Liu
How can knitting express the relationship between body and emotions?
Shixiu Liu's work explores how feelings of self-perception shift through changes in body movements or posture. The starting point has been the contrast between personal experiences of 'imposter syndrome' contrasted with feeling of great confidence. 'Tension' is the key word throughout this collection, having both physical and 'metaphorical meanings; the contorted body, stressful emotions, and what is required to keep the yarn under during the knitting process. Skin, as a medium and canvas, conveys the emotions. Both the colour palette and material are inspired by human skin. Shixiu use skin-like, and hair-like, yarns to express this concept through her knitted fabric.
The Textile Society
Shixiu Liu defines herself as a designer, using knitting as an expressive medium. She loves the legibility of fabric, creating delicate fabrics with emotions. She is good at doing research and developing conceptual ideas, as well as telling the story with yarns. She would like to set her work somewhere between function and concept.