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Innovation Design Engineering (MA/MSc)

Yishan Qin

Yishan Qin is an innovation designer from a multidisciplinary background. Starting with product design in her bachelor degree, Yishan then dived into Innovation Design Engineering at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London. At the same time, her personal interests have been pursuing her exploration of visual communication and fine art.  


Kohler Shanghai design studio (Product design intern)  

British Airways (Innovation designer) 

CERN/the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Invited designer) 

VHM future design (Freelance visual communication designer) 

CITIC Press Group (Freelance illustrator) 

Miserable Faith/Chinese leading rock band (Freelance product designer) 


2018.12.13 -16 A sustainable future, Dyson Gallery RCA, London  

2019.08.01-26 British Airways Future of Flying, Saatchi Gallery, London  

2019.11.25-2019.12.01 Shanghai West Bund Art Center, China   

During my learning experience, cross-disciplinary projects usually provide me with the most valuable outcomes.
I really enjoy merging insights from scientific contexts into creative solutions and learning ‘languages’ from different fields. Standing at the intersection, I see the greatest opportunity lies with people who combine a specialist background with a generalist attitude; who understand the holistic process with a can-do attitude and curiosity. 

How to dig the essential information out of a ‘wicked problem’? Besides the multi-disciplinary effort, research ability is certainly needed. I try to extract the essence out of a complex system and understand user needs in the ever-changing social context. Also, the clarity of thoughts is what I keep in mind all the time. I believe innovative ideas are based on a profound understanding of possible connections.  

Welcome to join my crazy adventure.   

Concept Overview — According to sociolinguistics, people are naturally connected by the “personalised communication languages (code words)”. InVerse is an extension for existing messaging apps. It aims to enrich our relationships with the power of the language by re-thinking the interactions in text messaging.
InVerse / User experience design project / Duration: 3 months


Photoshop / Figma / AfterEffect / Processing / Python
The power of our languages

The power of our languages — InVerse is an extension for existing messaging apps integrated with the current user habits. By altering subtle interactions into our texting process, InVerse facilities our “personalised communication languages” to enrich people’s relationships.

Current texting journey analysis

Current texting journey analysis — Nowadays, our typing software is good at locking down our languages. However, does a “grammatically correct word” equal the “right word”? By examining, the current text messaging process, I found there are lots of potential hiding behind our interaction.

InVerse / User experience design project / Duration: 3 months


Photoshop / Figma / AfterEffect / Processing / Python
Concept mapping

Concept mapping — What if we can enrich people’s relationships through texting experience with the power of our LANGUAGE? We tend to use “personalised communication languages" or "code words” to convey a more organic and emotional meaning. There are lots of valuable stories and precious memories hidden behind those non-standard terms. According to sociolinguistics, these “code words” are natural indicators of our closeness.

User journey

User journey — When you are texting, instead of pointing out your grammar mistakes, InVerse can identify your “personalised communication languages (code words)” and highlight them with the help of machine learning. At the same time, InVerse offers a space for you to collect and review those valuable terms.

With the help of artificial intelligence

With the help of artificial intelligence — Instead of pointing out your grammar mistakes, highlighting your valuable terms is a major component of InVerse. Text mining (also referred to as text analytics) is an artificial intelligence (AI) technology that uses natural language processing (NLP) to transform the free (unstructured) text in documents and databases into normalized, structured data suitable for analysis or to drive machine learning (ML) algorithms.

User Interface design

User Interface design — With InVerse, messaging apps can be more supportive of users’ personal communication style. This project takes an experiential approach to re-think the current texting experience, thus proposing a new direction for humanising digital consumer experience.

InVerse / User experience design project / Duration: 3 months


Photoshop / Figma / AfterEffect / Processing / Python

Click the picture to enter InVerse — Most grammar checks use red underlines to pointing out our mistakes aggressively, so I decided to convey a more positive feeling by designing a new visual system: your “personalised communication languages” and your valuable memories behind them should be cherished. Inspired by the mark that people used for taking notes, the visual communication design uses vibrant color against a dark background.

InVerse / User experience design project / Duration: 3 months


Photoshop / Figma / AfterEffect / Processing / Python

China Scholarship Council

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