Animation (MA)
Narrative Animation
The Narrative pathway focuses on experimentation with forms of storytelling in a range of genres. Rather than aligning to orthodox, conventional methods ways to tell a story, the pathway encourages serious exploration of narratology in the moving image. Critical interrogation and practice-led experimentation aims to foster an environment for innovative practice through the creation of animated stories for cross-platform delivery.
Creative practices in this year’s Graduate projects from the Narrative pathway are osmotic with the other pathways. This is observed in the media they work with, from analogue materials to digital technologies, and in the ways they collaborate with contributors such as musicians, composers, actors, artists and sound designers.
As with the other pathways, sound is fundamental to these works, enhancing and counterpointing the image track. The sources of some of the films’ imaginative fictions and human and non-human figures are based on personal experience and relationships. Others originate in global or local environmental, cultural and political concerns. The stories in their films elicit a range of feelings and emotions. They can be poignant, poetic, satirical, absurd, surprising, joyful, zany and more.