Narrative Animation
Alice Aires
Alice Aires is a digital artist/animator, working with 3D and 2D animation. In her digital spaces nature is acknowledged as wealth.
Eight years of musical education and collaborations with sound designers and musicians form the foundation of her work, and she is drawn to directing music videos.
Before pursuing an MA in Animation at the Royal College of Art, she graduated with a BA in Animation from University of the Arts London, where she stood out as part of the ‘Made in Arts London’ exhibition in 2016. Alice then worked full-time as a motion artist and her films have been shown in world renowned festivals such as the London Short Film Festival and Cinanima in Portugal.
Alice is deeply influenced by her upbringing on the Portuguese coast, inspired by the sublime, her landscapes are infused with a poignant tone that praises nature.
Aires’ work seeks to foster a space of solace, serving as a salve to experiences of eco-anxiety. She stirs poetic musings and experimentation with textual research, through a method akin to the scientific; methodical planning enriched by alchemical improvisations.
Her practice will evolve through further experimentation with animated figurative simulations, looking to choreograph with continued biomimetic fluidity and to challenge traditional storytelling by unfurling structure.
A deep sea dive through a partially speculative ecology, crystallising strange and hidden microscopic life forms; a cinematic landscape that strives to document places where cameras cannot see.
Sonorous rhythmic pulls and pushes, ecopoetic ebbs and flows. Bioluminescent creatures are drawn from the scientific depths, in a ceaseless descent down an oceanic trench.
Wherever human plastic pollutants invade, the result is mass extinction.
02:40In Collaboration with:
Her presentation at the 'Design with the Living' symposium (November, 2019) inspired the start of this project.