Narrative Animation
Inari Sirola
Inari Sirola is an animator/filmmaker from Finland. Her work challenges gender stereotypes, questioning identity and confronting the limitations set by society. Tones of surrealism and comedy meet in her mind bending realities, whilst her unique character design offers personal and social truths about body image and beauty standards. Showcasing all manner of long, saggy, wrinkly, features with love and absurdity. She often poses the question, deep down can't we all relate to a sausage? Maybe we do in more ways than we care to admit.
Prior MA, Inari has had 4 years experience within the industry as well as BA in Graphic & Media Communication from the University of Arts London. Since graduating she's had work featured in "It's Nice That" Magazine as well as her first year film "CRAZY" currently being in festival circulation, getting into high profile festivals such as Pictoplasma.
Currently Inari has been concentrating on filmmaking but her love of illustration work may find her holding more exhibitions in the near future.
Guilty as charged. I was one of those kids who grew up in front of the TV, watching cartoons like Spongebob and The Moomins (being Finnish after all). However creating animated content for children has never been my primary focus, grotesque and non-cutsey characters have always been something I've naturally gravitated towards. Platforms are now producing more animated content for adults than ever before. In the West we are slowly catching up and stepping away from treating animation as a genre for children but as the film making medium that it is. This is an era of animation that I'm excited to contribute towards.
Japanese influences have been echoed throughout my work, most of all in my latest film "Eating In The Dark" which I wrote while being on the RCA Kyoto exchange. Japanese visuals often being extreme, even ridiculous at times creates a comedic touch which continuously intrigues me. I believe comedy is the most effective way to tackle social issues and topics. With "Eating In The Dark" it's been my goal to capture these elements to create something relatable, surreal and funny.
Character Siro from the short 'Eating In The Dark'
From 'Eating In The Dark'
From 'Eating In The Dark'
Music by
Ben Prince
Mellow Blush
Sound Design by
Ruanth Thyssen
Animated short filmSize:
9minIn Collaboration with:
Still from the short 'CRAZY'
Still from the short 'CRAZY'
Still from the short 'CRAZY'
We get introduced to a woman who is getting erotically charged of a mans chain necklace, but she quickly gets confronted about it. Has someone being crazy?