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Yufei Hu

I was born in China. I did my BA in Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. 

I am interested in explore the relationship between a collected object and fashion. 


Degree Details

School of Design




Walter Benjamin wrote that “memory does this: lets the things appear small, compresses them. Land of the sailor”. My project is about collecting objects associated with memories, and my goal is to explore the relationship between a collected object and fashion, to reuse the object and turn it into something else.

“Souvenir of time” is the title of my final project. My souvenirs are the receipts that I have been collecting for over seven years. I keep them as a special diary to record the places I have been to, the items I’ve purchased, the dates and times. I see the beauty of a personal collection as it tells the most intimate tale of a person’s life. In my work I always look at collected objects because I feel that they tell a story about themselves, as well as about the person who’s used them and when.

Souvenir of Time

Flower market and receipt

white dried flower shadow

Green soft monster

Orange market

Mixed images and receipts

Receipt Jacket (dissolved)

Receipt Jacket (dissolved) (fade away)

My souvenirs are the receipts that I have been collecting for over seven years.

People around me know about my little collection so sometimes they give me their receipts. One day, one of my friends gave me two receipts that he said are from the last shopping he did for his grandma. That receipt records the special food he bought for his grandma because she had been ill for a while. A few days after that she passed away, and he still kept the receipts. They became a souvenir of her.

This inspired me to make this project as a memento.


BlurryDelicacyMomentsNarration / StorytellingPaperPolaroidReceiptReuseRevalue


The China Scholarship Council is the Chinese Ministry of Education's non-profit organization that provides support for international academic exchange with China.


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