Intelligent Mobility (MA)
Yujing Zuo
Yujing Zuo is an automotive interior designer, researcher, illustrator and an avid blue ink pen sketcher. She was born in China, graduated from Industrial Design programme of the Taiyuan University of Technology. Attracted by diverse, free and cultural design atmosphere of Europe, she worked hard to study abroad, so that she could be free, and love without fear. During her time abroad, a feeling of homesickness prompted the idea of her thesis project, ‘Mian’, which focuses on the protection of traditional noodle-making methods from her hometown. She believes the best designs, are the ones that bring emotional resonance to the consumer, creating that personal experience, to truly connect each other.
Cooking is performing.
The ultimate goal of ‘Mian’ is to provide a mobility solution to protect and promote traditional noodles cooking methods. By translating the noodle-making process into a ritualistic performance, the vehicle serves as a travelling live show stage that constantly circulates the city. When it parks, it will create an intimate atmosphere, similar to that of a theatre.
Furthermore, the vehicle and food create a platform for people to share and socialize as a community. As a powerful interaction platform, the community emphasizes the core noodles culture via customers social activities.
This will be a unique and extraordinary experience for its customers encompassing all of the senses to enable people to learn, appreciate, and remember traditional cooking methodology that is fading every day.